Kabra, MayankRobie, Alice ARivera-Alba, MartaBranson, StevenBranson, Kristin2016-05-122016-05-122013-01Kabra, M., Robie, A. A., Rivera-Alba, M., Branson, S., Branson, K. (2013). JAABA: interactive machine learning for automatic annotation of animal behavior. Nat Meth, 10(1), 64–67.http://hdl.handle.net/10400.7/601We present a machine learning-based system for automatically computing interpretable, quantitative measures of animal behavior. Through our interactive system, users encode their intuition about behavior by annotating a small set of video frames. These manual labels are converted into classifiers that can automatically annotate behaviors in screen-scale data sets. Our general-purpose system can create a variety of accurate individual and social behavior classifiers for different organisms, including mice and adult and larval Drosophila.engBehavioural methodsExperimental organismsMachine learningJAABA: interactive machine learning for automatic annotation of animal behaviorjournal article10.1038/nmeth.2281