Theologidis, IoannisChelo, Ivo MGoy, ChristineTeotónio, Henrique2015-10-062015-10-062014-11-05Theologidis et al. : Reproductive assurance drives transitions to self-fertilization in experimental Caenorhabditis elegans . BMC Biology 2014 12 :93. transitions from outcrossing between individuals to selfing are partly responsible for the great diversity of animal and plant reproduction systems. The hypothesis of 'reproductive assurance' suggests that transitions to selfing occur because selfers that are able to reproduce on their own ensure the persistence of populations in environments where mates or pollination agents are unavailable. Here we test this hypothesis by performing experimental evolution in Caenorhabditis elegans.engEvolutionary transitionSelfingAndrodioecyFitnessExperimental evolutionCaenorhabditis elegansfog-2xol-1NaClReproductive assurance drives transitions to self-fertilization in experimental Caenorhabditis elegansjournal article10.1186/s12915-014-0093-1