Cascão, RitaVidal, BrunoJalmari Finnilä, Mikko ArttuLopes, Inês PascoalTeixeira, Rui LourençoSaarakkala, SimoMoita, Luis FerreiraFonseca, João Eurico2017-10-232017-10-232017-09-14Cascão R, Vidal B, Jalmari Finnilä MA, et al. Effect of celastrol on bone structure and mechanics in arthritic rats. RMD Open 2017;3:e000438. doi:10.1136/ rmdopen-2017-000438 arthritis (RA) is characterised by chronic inflammation leading to articular bone and cartilage damage. Despite recent progress in RA management, adverse effects, lack of efficacy and economic barriers to treatment access still limit therapeutic success. Therefore, safer and less expensive treatments that control inflammation and bone resorption are needed. We have previously shown that celastrol is a candidate for RA treatment. We have observed that it inhibits both interleukin (IL)-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in vitro, and that it has anti-inflammatory properties and ability to decrease synovial CD68+ macrophages in vivo. Herein our goal was to evaluate the effect of celastrol in local and systemic bone loss.engAdjuvant-induced arthritisBone lossCelastrolInflammationRheumatoid arthritisEffect of celastrol on bone structure and mechanics in arthritic ratsjournal article10.1136/rmdopen-2017-000438