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- Adaptation of asexual populations under Muller’s ratchetPublication . Bachtrog, D.; Gordo, I.We study the population genetics of adaptation in nonequilibrium haploid asexual populations. We find that the accumulation of deleterious mutations, due to the operation of Muller’s ratchet, can considerably reduce the rate of fixation of advantageous alleles. Such reduction can be approximated reasonably well by a reduction in the effective population size. In the absence of Muller’s ratchet, a beneficial mutation can only become fixed if it creates the best possible genotype; if Muller’s ratchet operates, however, mutations initially arising in a nonoptimal genotype can also become fixed in the population, since the loss of the least-loaded class implies that an initially nonoptimal background can become optimal. We show that, while the rate at which adaptive mutations become fixed is reduced, the rate of fixation of deleterious mutations due to the ratchet is not changed by the presence of beneficial mutations as long as the rate of their occurrence is low and the deleterious effects of mutations (sd) are higher than the beneficial effects (sa). When sa . sd, the advantage of a beneficial mutation can outweigh the deleterious effects of associated mutations. Under these conditions, a beneficial allele can drag to fixation deleterious mutations initially associated with it at a higher rate than in the absence of advantageous alleles. We propose analytical approximations for the rates of accumulation of deleterious and beneficial mutations. Furthermore, when allowing for the possible occurrence of interference between beneficial alleles, we find that the presence of deleterious mutations of either very weak or very strong effect can marginally increase the rate of accumulation of beneficial mutations over that observed in the absence of such deleterious mutations.
- Adaptive evolution in a spatially structured asexual populationPublication . Gordo, I.; Campos, P.R.A.We study the process of adaptation in a spatially structured asexual haploid population. The model assumes a local competition for replication, where each organism interacts only with its nearest neighbors. We observe that the substitution rate of beneficial mutations is smaller for a spatially structured population than that seen for populations without structure. The difference between structured and unstructured populations increases as the adaptive mutation rate increases. Furthermore, the substitution rate decreases as the number of neighbors for local competition is reduced. We have also studied the impact of structure on the distribution of adaptive mutations that fix during adaptation.
- Adaptive immunity increases the pace and predictability of evolutionary change in commensal gut bacteriaPublication . Barroso-Batista, João; Demengeot, Jocelyne; Gordo, IsabelCo-evolution between the mammalian immune system and the gut microbiota is believed to have shaped the microbiota's astonishing diversity. Here we test the corollary hypothesis that the adaptive immune system, directly or indirectly, influences the evolution of commensal species. We compare the evolution of Escherichia coli upon colonization of the gut of wild-type and Rag2(-/-) mice, which lack lymphocytes. We show that bacterial adaptation is slower in immune-compromised animals, a phenomenon explained by differences in the action of natural selection within each host. Emerging mutations exhibit strong beneficial effects in healthy hosts but substantial antagonistic pleiotropy in immune-deficient mice. This feature is due to changes in the composition of the gut microbiota, which differs according to the immune status of the host. Our results indicate that the adaptive immune system influences the tempo and predictability of E. coli adaptation to the mouse gut.
- An ABC Method for Estimating the Rate and Distribution of Effects of Beneficial MutationsPublication . Moura de Sousa, J. A.; Campos, P. R. A.; Gordo, I.Determining the distribution of adaptive mutations available to natural selection is a difficult task. These are rare events and most of them are lost by chance. Some theoretical works propose that the distribution of newly arising beneficial mutations should be close to exponential. Empirical data are scarce and do not always support an exponential distribution. Analysis of the dynamics of adaptation in asexual populations of microorganisms has revealed that these can be summarized by two effective parameters, the effective mutation rate, Ue, and the effective selection coefficient of a beneficial mutation, Se. Here, we show that these effective parameters will not always reflect the rate and mean effect of beneficial mutations, especially when the distribution of arising mutations has high variance, and the mutation rate is high. We propose a method to estimate the distribution of arising beneficial mutations, which is motivated by a common experimental setup. The method, which we call One Biallelic Marker Approximate Bayesian Computation, makes use of experimental data consisting of periodic measures of neutral marker frequencies and mean population fitness. Using simulations, we find that this method allows the discrimination of the shape of the distribution of arising mutations and that it provides reasonable estimates of their rates and mean effects in ranges of the parameter space that may be of biological relevance.
- An experimental test on the probability of extinction of new genetic variantsPublication . Chelo, Ivo M.; Nédli, Judit; Gordo, Isabel; Teotónio, HenriqueIn 1927, J.B.S. Haldane reasoned that the probability of fixation of new beneficial alleles is twice their fitness effect. This result, later generalized by M. Kimura, has since become the cornerstone of modern population genetics. There is no experimental test of Haldane's insight that new beneficial alleles are lost with high probability. Here we demonstrate that extinction rates decrease with increasing initial numbers of beneficial alleles, as expected, by performing invasion experiments with inbred lines of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We further show that the extinction rates of deleterious alleles are higher than those of beneficial alleles, also as expected. Interestingly, we also find that for these inbred lines, when at intermediate frequencies, the fate of invaders might not result in their ultimate fixation or loss but on their maintenance. Our study confirms the key results from classical population genetics and highlights that the nature of adaptation can be complex.
- Cognitive and Motivational Requirements for the Emergence of Cooperation in a Rat Social GamePublication . Viana, DS.; Gordo, I.; Sucena, E.; Moita, M.A.P.Background: Game theory and the Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) game in particular, which captures the paradox of cooperative interactions that lead to benefits but entail costs to the interacting individuals, have constituted a powerful tool in the study of the mechanisms of reciprocity. However, in non-human animals most tests of reciprocity in PD games have resulted in sustained defection strategies. As a consequence, it has been suggested that under such stringent conditions as the PD game humans alone have evolved the necessary cognitive abilities to engage in reciprocity, namely, numerical discrimination, memory and control of temporal discounting.
- Commensal-to-pathogen transition: One-single transposon insertion results in two pathoadaptive traits in Escherichia coli -macrophage interactionPublication . Proença, João T.; Barral, Duarte C.; Gordo, IsabelEscherichia coli is both a harmless commensal in the intestines of many mammals, as well as a dangerous pathogen. The evolutionary paths taken by strains of this species in the commensal-to-pathogen transition are complex and can involve changes both in the core genome, as well in the pan-genome. One way to understand the likely paths that a commensal strain of E. coli takes when evolving pathogenicity is through experimentally evolving the strain under the selective pressures that it will have to withstand as a pathogen. Here, we report that a commensal strain, under continuous pressure from macrophages, recurrently acquired a transposable element insertion, which resulted in two key phenotypic changes: increased intracellular survival, through the delay of phagosome maturation and increased ability to escape macrophages. We further show that the acquisition of the pathoadaptive traits was accompanied by small but significant changes in the transcriptome of macrophages upon infection. These results show that under constant pressures from a key component of the host immune system, namely macrophage phagocytosis, commensal E. coli rapidly acquires pathoadaptive mutations that cause transcriptome changes associated to the host-microbe duet.
- Competition and fixation of cohorts of adaptive mutations under Fisher geometrical modelPublication . Moura de Sousa, Jorge A.; Alpedrinha, João; Campos, Paulo R.A.; Gordo, IsabelOne of the simplest models of adaptation to a new environment is Fisher's Geometric Model (FGM), in which populations move on a multidimensional landscape defined by the traits under selection. The predictions of this model have been found to be consistent with current observations of patterns of fitness increase in experimentally evolved populations. Recent studies investigated the dynamics of allele frequency change along adaptation of microbes to simple laboratory conditions and unveiled a dramatic pattern of competition between cohorts of mutations, i.e., multiple mutations simultaneously segregating and ultimately reaching fixation. Here, using simulations, we study the dynamics of phenotypic and genetic change as asexual populations under clonal interference climb a Fisherian landscape, and ask about the conditions under which FGM can display the simultaneous increase and fixation of multiple mutations-mutation cohorts-along the adaptive walk. We find that FGM under clonal interference, and with varying levels of pleiotropy, can reproduce the experimentally observed competition between different cohorts of mutations, some of which have a high probability of fixation along the adaptive walk. Overall, our results show that the surprising dynamics of mutation cohorts recently observed during experimental adaptation of microbial populations can be expected under one of the oldest and simplest theoretical models of adaptation-FGM.
- Controlling excludability in the evolution of cooperationPublication . Dionisio, F.; Gordo, I.Background: A tragedy of the commons arises if individuals cannot protect their future use of a depletable resource, and individual fitness increases if individuals exploit the resource at rates beyond sustainability. Natural selection then forces the individuals to diminish, perhaps even to destroy, their resource. One way to protect future use is privatization - that is, locally excluding rivals from the resource. Another is to reduce rivalry among individuals by restricting exploitation rates.
- Enhanced Survival of Rifampin- and Streptomycin-Resistant Escherichia coli Inside MacrophagesPublication . Durão, Paulo; Gülereşi, Daniela; Proença, João; Gordo, IsabelThe evolution of multiple-antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an increasing global problem. Even though mutations causing resistance usually incur a fitness cost in the absence of antibiotics, the magnitude of such costs varies across environments and genomic backgrounds. We studied how the combination of mutations that confer resistance to rifampin (Rif(r)) and streptomycin (Str(r)) affects the fitness of Escherichia coli when it interacts with cells from the immune system, i.e., macrophages (Mϕs). We found that 13 Rif(r) Str(r) doubly resistant genotypes, of the 16 tested, show a survival advantage inside Mϕs, indicating that double resistance can be highly beneficial in this environment. Our results suggest that there are multiple paths to acquire multiple-drug resistance in this context, i.e., if a clone carrying Rif(r) allele H526 or S531 acquires a second mutation conferring Str(r), the resulting double mutant has a high probability of showing increased survival inside Mϕs. On the other hand, we found two cases of sign epistasis between mutations, leading to a significant decrease in bacterial survival. Remarkably, infection of Mϕs with one of these combinations, K88R+H526Y, resulted in an altered pattern of gene expression in the infected Mϕs. This indicates that the fitness effects of resistance may depend on the pattern of gene expression of infected host cells. Notwithstanding the benefits of resistance found inside Mϕs, the Rif(r) Str(r) mutants have massive fitness costs when the bacteria divide outside Mϕs, indicating that the maintenance of double resistance may depend on the time spent within and outside phagocytic cells.