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Esperanto for histones: CENP-A, not CenH3, is the centromeric histone H3 variant
Publication . Earnshaw, W. C.; Allshire, R. C.; Black, B. E.; Bloom, K.; Brinkley, B. R.; Brown, W.; Cheeseman, I. M.; Choo, K. H. A.; Copenhaver, G. P.; DeLuca, J. G.; Desai, A.; Diekmann, S.; Erhardt, S.; Fitzgerald-Hayes, M.; Foltz, D.; Fukagawa, T.; Gassmann, R.; Gerlich, D. W.; Glover, D. M.; Gorbsky, G. J.; Harrison, S. C.; Heun, P.; Hirota, T.; Jansen, L. E. T.; Karpen, G.; Kops, G. J. P. L.; Lampson, M. A.; Lens, S. M.; Losada, A.; Luger, K.; Maiato, H.; Maddox, P. S.; Margolis, R. L.; Masumoto, H.; McAinsh, A. D.; Mellone, B. G.; Meraldi, P.; Musacchio, A.; Oegema, K.; O’Neill, R. J.; Salmon, E. D.; Scott, K. C.; Straight, A. F.; Stukenberg, P. T.; Sullivan, B. A.; Sullivan, K. F.; Sunkel, C. E.; Swedlow, J. R.; Walczak, C. E.; Warburton, P. E.; Westermann, S.; Willard, H. F.; Wordeman, L.; Yanagida, M.; Yen, T. J.; Yoda, K.; Cleveland, D. W.
The first centromeric protein identified in any species was CENP-A, a divergent member of the histone H3 family that was recognised by autoantibodies from patients with scleroderma-spectrum disease. It has recently been suggested to rename this protein CenH3. Here, we argue that the original name should be maintained both because it is the basis of a long established nomenclature for centromere proteins and because it avoids confusion due to the presence of canonical histone H3 at centromeres.

Organizational Units





Funding agency

Wellcome Trust

Funding programme

Molecules, Genes and Cells

Funding Award Number