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- Comparative analysis of transcriptomic responses to sub-lethal levels of six environmentally relevant pesticides in Saccharomyces cerevisiaePublication . Gil, Fátima N.; Gonçalves, Alina C.; Becker, Jörg D.; Viegas, Cristina A.Accidental spills and misuse of pesticides may lead to current and/or legacy environmental contamination and may pose concerns regarding possible risks towards non-target microbes and higher eukaryotes in ecosystems. The present study was aimed at comparing transcriptomic responses to effects of sub-lethal levels of six environmentally relevant pesticide active substances in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae eukaryotic model. The insecticide carbofuran, the fungicide pyrimethanil and the herbicides alachlor, S-metolachlor, diuron and methyl(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetate were studied. Some are currently used agricultural pesticides, while others are under restricted utilization or banned in Europe and/or North America albeit being used in other geographical locations. In the present work transcriptional profiles representing genome-wide responses in a standardized yeast population upon 2 h of exposure to concentrations of each compound exerting equivalent toxic effects, i.e., inhibition of growth by 20% relative to the untreated control cells, were examined. Hierarchical clustering and Venn analyses of the datasets of differentially expressed genes pointed out transcriptional patterns distinguishable between the six active substances. Functional enrichment analyses allowed predicting mechanisms of pesticide toxicity and response to pesticide stress in the yeast model. In general, variations in transcript numbers of selected genes assessed by Real-Time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction confirmed microarray data and correlated well with growth inhibitory effects. A possible biological relevance of mechanistic predictions arising from these comparative transcriptomic analyses is discussed in the context of better understanding potential modes of action and adverse side-effects of pesticides.
- Glutamate receptor-like channels are essential for chemotaxis and reproduction in mossesPublication . Ortiz-Ramírez, Carlos; Michard, Erwan; Simon, Alexander A.; Damineli, Daniel S. C.; Hernández-Coronado, Marcela; Becker, Jörg D.; Feijó, José A.Glutamate receptors are well characterized channels that mediate cell-to-cell communication during neurotransmission in animals. Nevertheless, information regarding their functional role in organisms without nervous systems is still limited. In plants, Glutamate Receptor-like (GLR) genes have been implicated in defence against pathogens, reproduction, control of stomata aperture and light signal transduction(1-5). However, the numerous GLR genes present in angiosperm genomes (20 to 70)(6) has prevented the observation of strong phenotypes in loss-of-function mutants. Here, we show that in the moss Physcomitrella patens, a basal land plant, mutation of GLR genes cause sperm failure in targeting the female reproductive organs. In addition, we show that GLR genes encode non-selective Ca(2+) permeable channels that can regulate cytoplasmic Ca(2+) and are needed to induce the expression of a BELL1-like transcription factor essential for zygote development. Our work reveals novel functions for GLRs in sperm chemotaxis and transcriptional regulation. Sperm chemotaxis is essential for fertilization in both animals and early land plants like bryophytes and pteridophytes. Therefore, our results are suggestive that ionotropic glutamate receptors may have been conserved throughout plant evolution to mediate cell-to-cell communication during sexual reproduction.
- The regulator LdhR and the d-lactate dehydrogenase LdhA of Burkholderia multivorans play a role in carbon overflow and in planktonic cellular aggregates formationPublication . Silva, Inês N.; Ramires, Marcelo J.; Azevedo, Lisa A.; Guerreiro, Ana R.; Tavares, Andreia C.; Becker, Jörg D.; Moreira, Leonilde M.LysR-type transcriptional regulators (LTTR) are the most commonly found regulators in Burkholderia cepacia complex, comprising opportunistic pathogens causing chronic respiratory infections in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Despite LTTRs being global regulators of pathogenicity in several bacteria, few have been characterized in Burkholderia Here, we showed that gene ldhR of B. multivorans encoding a LTTR is co-transcribed with ldhA encoding a d-lactate dehydrogenase, and evaluate their implication in virulence traits like exopolysaccharide (EPS) synthesis and biofilm formation. Comparison of wild-type (WT) and its isogenic ΔldhR mutant grown in medium with 2% d-glucose revealed a negative impact on EPS biosynthesis and on cells' viability in the presence of LdhR. Loss of viability in WT cells was caused by intracellular acidification as consequence of cumulative organic acids secretion including d-lactate, this last one absent from the ΔldhR mutant supernatant. Furthermore, LdhR is implicated in the formation of planktonic cellular aggregates. WT cell aggregates reached 1000 μm after 24 hours in liquid cultures; in contrast to ΔldhR mutant aggregates that never grew more than 60 μm. Overexpression of d-lactate dehydrogenase LdhA in the ΔldhR mutant partially restored formed aggregates size, suggesting a role for fermentation inside aggregates. Similar results were obtained for surface-attached biofilms, with WT cells producing more biofilm. A systematic evaluation of planktonic aggregates in Burkholderia CF clinical isolates showed aggregates in 40 out of 74. As CF patients' lung environment is microaerophilic and bacteria are found as free aggregates/biofilms, LdhR and LdhA might have central roles in adaptation to this environment.IMPORTANCE Cystic fibrosis patients often suffer from chronic respiratory infections caused by several microorganisms. Among them are the Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria which cause progressive deterioration of lung function and, in some patients, might develop into fatal necrotizing pneumoniae with bacteremia, known as "cepacia syndrome". Burkholderia pathogenesis is multifactorial since they express several virulence factors, form biofilms, and are highly resistant to antimicrobial compounds, making their eradication from the CF patients' airways very difficult. As Burkholderia is commonly found in the CF lungs in the form of cell aggregates and biofilms, the need to investigate the mechanisms of cellular aggregation is obvious. In this study we demonstrate the importance of a d-lactate dehydrogenase and a regulator, in regulating carbon overflow, cellular aggregates and surface-attached biofilm formation. This not only enhances our understanding of Burkholderia pathogenesis, but can also lead to the development of drugs against these proteins to circumvent biofilm formation.
- Potential Mechanisms Underlying Response to Effects of the Fungicide Pyrimethanil from Gene Expression Profiling inSaccharomyces cerevisiaePublication . Gil, Fátima N.; Becker, Jörg D.; Viegas, Cristina A.Pyrimethanil is a fungicide mostly applied in vineyards. When misused, residue levels detected in grape must or in the environment may be of concern. The present work aimed to analyze mechanisms underlying response to deleterious effects of pyrimethanil in the eukaryotic model Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pyrimethanil concentration-dependent effects at phenotypic (inhibition of growth) and transcriptomic levels were examined. For transcriptional profiling, analysis focused on two sublethal exposure conditions that inhibited yeast growth by 20% or 50% compared with control cells not exposed to the fungicide. Gene expression modifications increased with the magnitude of growth inhibition, in numbers and fold-change of differentially expressed genes and in diversity of over-represented functional categories. These included mostly biosynthesis of arginine and sulfur amino acids metabolism, as well as energy conservation, antioxidant response, and multidrug transport. Several pyrimethanil-responsive genes encoded proteins sharing significant homology with proteins from phytopathogenic fungi and ecologically relevant higher eukaryotes.
- Transcriptional profiling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae relevant for predicting alachlor mechanisms of toxicityPublication . Gil, Fátima N.; Gonçalves, Alina C.; Jacinto, Maria João; Becker, Jörg D.; Viegas, Cristina A.Alachlor has been a commonly applied herbicide and is a substance of ecotoxicological concern. The present study aims to identify molecular biomarkers in the eukaryotic model Saccharomyces cerevisiae that can be used to predict potential cytotoxic effects of alachlor, while providing new mechanistic clues with possible relevance for experimentally less accessible eukaryotes. It focuses on genome-wide expression profiling in a yeast population in response to two exposure scenarios exerting effects from slight to moderate magnitude at phenotypic level. In particular, 100 and 264 genes, respectively, were found as differentially expressed on a 2-h exposure of yeast cells to the lowest observed effect concentration (110 mg/L) and the 20% inhibitory concentration (200 mg/L) of alachlor, in comparison with cells not exposed to the herbicide. The datasets of alachlor-responsive genes showed functional enrichment in diverse metabolic, transmembrane transport, cell defense, and detoxification categories. In general, the modifications in transcript levels of selected candidate biomarkers, assessed by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, confirmed the microarray data and varied consistently with the growth inhibitory effects of alachlor. Approximately 16% of the proteins encoded by alachlor-differentially expressed genes were found to share significant homology with proteins from ecologically relevant eukaryotic species. The biological relevance of these results is discussed in relation to new insights into the potential adverse effects of alachlor in health of organisms from ecosystems, particularly in worst-case situations such as accidental spills or careless storage, usage, and disposal.
- Identification of differentially expressed genes in the heart precursor cells of the chick embryoPublication . Bento, Margaret; Correia, Elizabeth; Tavares, Ana T; Becker, Jörg D; Belo, José AGenetic evidence has implicated several genes as being critical for heart development. However, the inducers of these genes as well as their targets and pathways they are involved with, remain largely unknown. Previous studies in the avian embryo showed that at HH4 Cerberus (cCer) transcripts are detected in the anterior endomesoderm including the heart precursor cells and later in the left lateral plate mesoderm. We have identified a promoter element of chick cCer able to drive EGFP expression in a population of cells that consistently exit from the anterior primitive streak region, from as early as stage HH3+, and that later will populate the heart. Using this promoter element as a tool allowed us to identify novel genes previously not known to potentially play a role in heart development. In order to identify and study genes expressed and involved in the correct development and differentiation of the vertebrate heart precursor cell (HPC) lineages, a differential screening using Affymetrix GeneChip system technologies was performed. Remarkably, this screening led to the identification of more than 700 transcripts differentially expressed in the heart forming regions (HFR). Bioinformatic tools allowed us to filter the large amount of data generated from this approach and to select a few transcripts for in vivo validation. Whole-mount in situ hybridization and sectioning of selected genes showed heart and vascular expression patterns for these transcripts during early chick development. We have developed an effective strategy to specifically identify genes that are differentially expressed in the HPC lineages. Within this set we have identified several genes that are expressed in the heart, blood and vascular lineages, which are likely to play a role in their development. These genes are potential candidates for future functional studies on early embryonic patterning.
- H3K4me3 - dependent epigenetic memory regulates transcriptional reactivation in the oocytePublication . Navarro-Costa, P.; Prudêncio, P.; J.D., Becker; R.G., MartinhoStudy question: How does the oocyte regulate its transcriptional activity in light of its prolonged meiotic arrest? Summary answer: A histone methylation-mediated epigenetic memory programed by the demethylase KDM5 is required for the correct temporal reactivation of the oocyte's transcriptional activity. What is known already: During oogenesis oocytes transit from stages of transcriptional activity to those of transcriptional quiescence, and such transitions are believed to be essential for proper gamete formation. Although the temporal regulation of these transitions has been well documented across diverse organisms, the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes remain largely unknown.
- Evolutionarily conserved mechanisms of male germline development in flowering plants and animalsPublication . Pereira, Patrícia A.; Navarro-Costa, Paulo; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo; Becker, Jörg D.Sexual reproduction is the main reproductive strategy of the overwhelming majority of eukaryotes. This suggests that the last eukaryotic common ancestor was able to reproduce sexually. Sexual reproduction reflects the ability to perform meiosis, and ultimately generating gametes, which are cells that carry recombined half sets of the parental genome and are able to fertilize. These functions have been allocated to a highly specialized cell lineage: the germline. Given its significant evolutionary conservation, it is to be expected that the germline programme shares common molecular bases across extremely divergent eukaryotic species. In the present review, we aim to identify the unifying principles of male germline establishment and development by comparing two very disparate kingdoms: plants and animals. We argue that male meiosis defines two temporally regulated gene expression programmes: the first is required for meiotic commitment, and the second is required for the acquisition of fertilizing ability. Small RNA pathways are a further key communality, ultimately ensuring the epigenetic stability of the information conveyed by the male germline.
- Heat and water stress induce unique transcriptional signatures of heat-shock proteins and transcription factors in grapevinePublication . Rocheta, Margarida; Becker, Jörg D.; Coito, João L.; Carvalho, Luísa; Amâncio, SaraGrapevine is an extremely important crop worldwide.In southern Europe, post-flowering phases of the growth cycle can occur under high temperatures, excessive light, and drought conditions at soil and/or atmospheric level. In this study, we subjected greenhouse grown grapevine, variety Aragonez, to two individual abiotic stresses, water deficit stress(WDS), and heat stress (HS). The adaptation of plants to stress is a complex response triggered by cascades of molecular net works involved in stress perception, signal transduction, and the expression of specific stress-related genes and metabolites. Approaches such as array-based transcript profiling allow assessing the expression of thousands of genes in control and stress tissues. Using microarrays, we analyzed the leaf transcriptomic profile of the grapevine plants. Photosynthesis measurements verified that the plants were significantly affected by the stresses applied. Leaf gene expression was obtained using a high-throughput transcriptomic grapevine array, the 23K custom-made Affymetrix Vitis GeneChip. We identified 1,594 genes as differentially expressed between control and treatments and grouped them into ten major functional categories using MapMan software. The transcriptome of Aragonez was more significantly affected by HS when compared with WDS. The number of genes coding for heat-shock proteins and transcription factors expressed solely in response to HS suggesting their expression as unique signatures of HS. However, across-talk between the response pathways to both stresses was observed at the level of AP2/ERF transcription factors.
- Plant Evolution: What Does It Take To Be an Egg?Publication . Boavida, Leonor C.; Becker, Jörg D.The genetic regulation of cell patterning within plant gametophytes remains poorly understood. Now, two new studies in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha shed light on the conserved function of an RKD transcription factor as a key regulator of egg cell fate in the land plant lineage.