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Maintaining centrosomes and cilia

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Centrosomes and cilia are present in organisms from all branches of the eukaryotic tree of life. These structures are composed of microtubules and various other proteins, and are required for a plethora of cell processes such as structuring the cytoskeleton, sensing the environment, and motility. Deregulation of centrosome and cilium components leads to a wide range of diseases, some of which are incompatible with life. Centrosomes and cilia are thought to be very stable and can persist over long periods of time. However, these structures can disappear in certain developmental stages and diseases. Moreover, some centrosome and cilia components are quite dynamic. While a large body of knowledge has been produced regarding the biogenesis of these structures, little is known about how they are maintained. In this Review, we propose the existence of specific centrosome and cilia maintenance programs, which are regulated during development and homeostasis, and when deregulated can lead to disease.


The deposited item is a review and has been submitted to peer review. This publication hasn't any creative commons license associated. There is no public supplementary material available for this publication.


Centrosomes Cilia Ciliopathies Maintenance


Maintaining centrosomes and cilia Sascha Werner, Ana Pimenta-Marques, Mónica Bettencourt-Dias J Cell Sci 2017 130: 3789-3800; doi: 10.1242/jcs.203505

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Company of Biologists


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